Oculus更换CEO, Facebook VR业务重心或移至移动端

石亚琼36氪@123·2016-12-14 08:46

根据Oculus 官方博客消息,CEO Brendan Iribe将不再担任Oculus VR公司CEO,转而负责新成立的PC VR部门。与此同时,亚马逊移动购物部门的副总裁Jon Thomason将加入Oculus, 担任移动VR部门的负责人。两人将共同为Oculus寻找新的CEO。 此外,Oculus的创始人Palmer Luckey也将会担心新的职务。

从这篇博客来看,在收购Oculus 两年半后,Facebook对VR业务进行了调整,拆分成了PC VR与移动VR。我们推测,PC VR很可能就是现在Oculus 所进行的业务;今年Oculus 推出了一体机,移动VR 可能会包括这方面的业务。

之所以会有这种调整,并不意外。VR 生态搭建硬件必不可少,但硬件的基础(PC 和手机)方面,Facebook并没有话语权,要受制于微软和Google,而后两者都已经发力VR。留给Facebook的最佳选择基本只剩下移动VR了,很可能只有一体机这条路线。

Brendan Iribe是Oculus的创始团队成员之一,一直担任公司CEO 。Oculus 被收购已经有两年半时间,Facebook很可能已经完成了团队的整合。今年的Oculus Connect大会上,Oculus创始团队都未出席发言,或许就是一个征兆。

还有一个值得关注的,Jon Thomason的上一份工作虽然在亚马逊,但是此前有近6年高通工作经验,15年微软工作经验。我们查看了Jon Thomason的Linkedin, 发现他个人强调比较多的也是高通的工作经验。这对于推移动VR至关重要。

目前,关于Palmer Luckey的新职位暂未公布,从媒体报道来看这位创始人很可能已经很长时间不负责实际重大业务了。相比之下,新CEO的人选更值得关注,在Oculus 及整个VR行业发展都没有达到外界预期之时,他将如何带领Oculus 前行,他将把Facebook的VR业务带向何处。

不过,可以肯定的是,新CEO的日子一定不好过。在VR方向上,Bredon一直是PC党,John CarMark是移动党,小札是一体机党,三人一直都很强势,协调起来难度可想而知。


因为考虑到观看Brendan Iribe博客原文的网络难度,我们也将博客原文贴在了文末。

It’s been a remarkable few years for virtual reality and Oculus.

VR went from science fiction to the most exciting new consumer technology around. Oculus has gone from shipping early dev kits to introducing virtual reality to millions of people with Gear VR to launching the immersive power of Rift. Just last week, we put your hands into the experience with Touch.

I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve created—not just the products but the culture and team. We’ve brought together an extraordinary set of people with a shared passion for building the best virtual reality. And the exciting part is it’s still just the beginning. Facebook is committed to working on VR for the long term, which means building the next great computing platform that allows people to experience anything with anyone and connects the world in bold new ways.

Changing the world on that scale has required us to also scale Oculus at warp speed. With our growth and product strategy, we’ve decided to establish new PC and mobile VR groups to be more focused, strengthen development and accelerate our roadmap.

Looking ahead and thinking about where I’m most passionate, I’ve decided to lead the PC VR group—pushing the state of VR forward with Rift, research and computer vision. As we’ve grown, I really missed the deep, day-to-day involvement in building a brand new product on the leading edge of technology.

You do your best work when you love what you’re working on. If that’s not the case, you need to make a change. With this new role, I can dive back into engineering and product development. That’s what gets me up every day, inspired to run to work.

Jon Thomason, who recently joined the Oculus team, will lead the mobile VR group. Together we’ll work with Mike Schroepfer, CTO of Facebook, to find a new leader for the Oculus team.

I’m thrilled to be on the front lines of creating the next leap forward in VR. We’ll continue investing deeply in research and development in computer vision, displays, optics, graphics, audio, input, and more to create the breakthroughs that will unlock new form factors and experiences. We’re going to move faster at solving the grand challenges of virtual reality.

I’d like to thank everyone who’s come along on this fantastic journey. We’re going to push VR far beyond the boundary of what’s possible today, and I couldn’t be more excited to run to work every day and build the future of VR with all of you.

— Brendan





